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Every Phase



Living the Art of Each Phase

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The latest Every Phase updates

Subscribe to an ongoing 13-year visual journey 🩸'Live the art' with me as I create art that illustrates how I healed myself of endometriosis while I live by the phases of the female hormonal cycle.  I am actually living the art, so it's about wayyy more than just healing. The writing and art discuss truth, freedom & our current financial & healthcare system slavery–and the way out.👉Be the first to receive the latest piece of the current phase, as well as all new art releases by subscribing (for free) to the Blog with the button below.
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The Every Phase VLOG

Biohacking with ART. 🎨Look for the 'Every Phase VLOG' episodes on the Podcast & Youtube as I recreate select pieces of the series as an animated mini-series. The artwork shows what's happening in the brain and the body during each phase and reveals how to biohack & leverage this energy in your life. 
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The Book capturing the 1st year

👉Purchase a personally signed copy of my award-winning augmented Reality (AR) interactive book, Face Your Shit, Heal Yourself capturing the first year of the Every Phase series.  

Current Every Phase Structure
The current timing & structure of the Every Phase series.

The follicle forms as the inner 'Spring' begins.

The Art of the Follicular Phase

Learn more about the art with biohacking tips & the stories behind each piece, revealing what is happening during the brain & the body during the follicular phase.

View the entire follicular lineup of pieces & articles on my Substack blog.

Collection includes both Original works & Limited Editions.

For purchase & availability, Email me or Book a call to learn more.

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#1 The Great Awakening

Estrogen's effect on the brain greatly improves the ability to solve problems, strategize, and plan...Egg follicles swell to prepare and estrogen increases to thicken the uterine lining so that it can host an egg--just as the possibilities in our lives reveal themselves so that we can discover them...  
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#5 Secure Your Energy

You can't get sick enough to heal them, loud enough to have them listen, poor enough to, fill in the blank enough to ____.  The real 'helping' them is standing in your freedom/sovereignty/higher vibration so that no matter what they have no choice but to join you.  Not the other way around.Visible in this piece, the follicular phase is all about preparation and discovery as the follicle swells, stimulated by the arrival of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone).The 'sun' in the image can be seen as the follicular swelling, glimmering in preparation for the consonant light it will begin to shine.... 

#9 Going the Distance

As the follicle is formed in preparation to 'bleed rainbows', the boxing gloves represent the development of strength, with the abstracted fallopian tubes shown as flowering rainbows, representing the peace & wellness gained from that strength, as it blooms into a lily. The rainbow continues to pour itself, leading the eye to the staircase within the Palace of Justice.  With, of course, the ruling decision-maker of our bodies (us) seated at the throne.  The day I realized I was free was like being at the top of this staircase.  What keeps me there is the understanding that the only thing you can ever be free from is your own resistance.


#13 Solar Flash

Solarization is the process of re-exposing photographic paper during the development process. As soon as you see the image appearing on the paper in the developer, you pull it out and re-expose it to light.  The result is an eerie silver image which contains light lines between the shadows and the highlighted areas. Areas that have been exposed the least are affected the most during the re-exposure of the print. What are you able to see through the black and white?  The contrast of these two, as well as the solarization--or your polarization, allows all of the other colors to stand out.Everything is possible in art...

#17 Faithful Tides

The small hypothalamus in the brain kicks off a very large responsibility and process, signaling the pituitary gland to deliver FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) to the ovaries, helping some of the eggs mature as estrogen rises.I created this photograph to embody what washing away the doubt would look like.  What would it look like to exfoliate your fear just as the sand does your skin?Fear tolerated is faith contaminated.  When your faith is strong, there is no need to explain yourself to anyone, or resist against anything...
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#21 Something Blue

To make great art, you must be willing to make bad art.Putting so much emphasis on everything made having to be 'great' makes it hard to create anything at all...

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#25 Dismantle Illusions

Pain is what it took for me to become authentic.In my experience, the reward for being authentic is always healing.In order to even become authentic and true to ourselves we must be willing to look at the unwanted parts within ourselves--the scared parts, the insecure parts, our own shadow.Paying attention to and really looking at my pain was the best thing I ever did...
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#26 In to me see

I found a mirrorand in to me I saw myvoice on the pelvic floorSuffering happens when we don't meet our pain. When we don't listen to it, deny that it's there, when we bury it for politically correct reasons, or to be liked and approved of by others.Pain is inevitable, but suffering really is optional.  How do I know this?  From facing & not facing my own pain with 17 years of Endometriosis.A perfect subject for the follicular phase--when we start to creatively plan--where we get to decide what our attention goes towards. 
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#27 From the Inside Out

Most people live the other way around--from the outside in.Identifying problems on the outside and instead of looking within for the reason why or for the treatment, they treat it from the outside.Which usually doesn't yield any sustainable healing because it was never actually treating the issue (even though it seemed like it).  It was treating what the internal issue had become already on the outside.  Basically, most people try to treat the effects, thinking it's going to impact the cause.Finding the root cause within is finding the healing, the freedom, the truth.  Treating symptoms, (like pain) or the effect, without addressing the cause just leads to the same issue on repeat.

The golden hour of our cycle & the inner 'Summer'.


View the entire gallery with biohacking tips & the stories behind each piece, revealing what is happening during the brain & the body during ovulation.

LUTEAL PHASE (the bitch phase)
Over the rainbow, I searched for the answers & I found a mirror.
My favorite phase & our inner 'Autumn'


View the entire gallery with biohacking tips & the stories behind each piece, revealing what is happening during the brain & the body during the luteal phase.

If there is a woman you know struggling with period pain....

The foundation of how I healed myself began with reading Womancode & In The Flo by Alisa Vitti.  I have created a complete (and growing) list of resources of how I healed myself outlining the methodologies, detoxes, doctors, recipes, books and more.

View the entire gallery with biohacking tips & the stories behind each piece, revealing what is happening during the brain & the body during ovulation.


All content copyright © 2025 ANOTHER F*#%ING ARTIST

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