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Little Abstract

The Little Abstract art kit was designed by abstract artist Jeremy Brown to provide a fun and creative project for both kids & their parents to work together to create a one-of-a-kind piece of neo-expressionist abstract art. The kits include twenty two questions that the kids are instructed to answer by writting or drawing their response in specific areas of the screenprint. Each question is designed to be fun and inspirational. Neo-expressionism is a style of late-modernist or early-postmodern painting and sculpture that emerged in the late 1970s. Neo-expressionists were sometimes called Neue Wilden ('The new wild ones'; 'New Fauves' would better meet the meaning of the term). It is characterized by intense subjectivity and rough handling of materials. (Wikipedia)


Follow me on Instagram @meredithwochoa
Its all those follicles forming… 💫 #throwbackthursday Every Phase #25 - Dismantle Illusions - #follicularphase The 7th cycle Limited Edition <<< The science from @floliving >>> The secret to biohacking your cycle... Did you know the infradian rhythm (also known as your 28-day hormonal cycle) creates a 25% change in your brain chemistry over the course of each month? For women, the key to optimal hormonal health — and overall health — is to eat, move, supplement, and live in line with the infradian rhythm. The infradian rhythm can be broken down into four distinct phases: ✨ Follicular: Right after your period ends, you can feel fatigued and less focused, so it's crucial to keep your blood sugar balanced. 💃 Ovulatory: It’s very common for excess estrogen during this phase to trigger ovarian pain and acne. Balanced estrogen levels are key for clear skin all month long and healthy weight maintenance. Helping the body detox estrogen efficiently and effectively also helps reduce PMS symptoms like cramps and bloating. 💪 Luteal: Metabolism is naturally higher during the luteal phase of the cycle. Your ability to burn calories goes up — but so does food cravings. During this phase, it’s critical to maintain balanced blood sugar, so taking a supplement that supports blood sugar stability can be really helpful. 🩸Menstrual: During the menstrual phase of your cycle, your uterus needs support to reduce inflammation and soothe cramps. Face your shit, heal yourself, and be unapologetically authentic. Dismantle inauthentic illusions. 🎨DM me at @meredithwochoa for purchase
The stairway to healing told a story throughout the year of 2024 and came to form a complete picture to be fully revealed in the natural new year, April 2025. It includes the visual interpretation of the characters that have led me to my healing, representing all the different phases, where the journey has taken me, and where it is going. This is a marriage of life & art, illustrating how our environment shapes the way we live. There are steps to healing, and on this journey, we merge what we perceive as our 'pain' realizing it is our unrealized 'power'. This layout shows the wall that's next to the staircase, featuring the 'larger' character guiding me back to myself, as you see the mask being removed. This is the mask we wear when we don't meet our pain. The character featured here has come full circle. An exact year ago today (unplanned, but cyclically makes perfect sense) she was featured in the 2023 cyanotype blue February follicular piece, 'A Portrait of my Pain' (swipe right). Except here she is shown in her integrated, transcended form. The form that pain becomes when we listen to the message it has for us. In other words, it becomes our power. This piece of the mural is just the beginning of its representation. See you at my home reveal in April 💫 - DM me to learn more
Your body is encoded with the creative process happening inside your ovaries during the follicular phase via your hormone patterns. -@floliving I’m living the art of the blank canvas (or I should say gemstone canvas) #follicularphase baby!! I have been marinating on creating more 3-dimensional work, employing the energy of the natural world--specifically here with copper glass & clear quartz spires. These are meant to be ‘felt’ in real life--photos just don't do this beauty justice, because it’s sold! 📸 This was the very first Every Phase piece titled ‘The Great Awakening’ Learn more about the process behind the piece by clicking ‘subscribe’ in my profile, then click ‘follicular phase’ section on my substack and scroll down to this piece. As estrogen rises during the follicular phase, the 'first' phase of the new cycle, it boosts the brain's working memory capability--the ability to handle complex processing tasks. Estrogen's effect on the brain greatly improves the ability to solve problems, strategize, and plan. ✨️Heal your space with original, commissioned crystal artwork. Working with me, you will have a one-of-a-kind space that no one else can replicate. Clear quartz’s ability to absorb light and turn it into energy makes it an excellent addition to any space, enriching the positive energy in a particular area. For example, the quartz & copper mirror glass piece above promotes... ✔️Physical healing: Quartz can stimulate the immune system, boosts metabolism, and helps with weight loss. It also helps relieve physical pain, such as headaches, muscle cramps, and back pain. 💧Emotional & mental healing: Quartz promotes emotional balance, mental clarity, and protection from negative energy. It can also help with concentration, studying, and connecting with the inner self. ♀️ And as for copper, it is an alchemical symbol of the planet Venus, connected to beauty, love and justice. 🌄Our environment & the images surrounding us attract or detract people into our lives and shape the way we live. Cover your walls with one-of-a-kind art no one else in the world will have. DM me at @meredithwochoa to learn more & heal your space with art.
🤣 #buyartonline #buyartfromartists #ovulation #periodmemes
It is ovulation, so I'm loaded, aiming, and ready to fire... #throwbackthursday Every Phase #42 - Shots Fired - #ovulation The 24th cycle 💧original #cyanotype (made with the sun and water as my darkroom) 🎨DM me at @meredithwochoa for purchase Ovulation message: Your power lies in your ability to receive. If you look back in history, and even today, every lie and just about everything evil have 1 thing in common: diminishing the feminine polarity (nothing to do with gender), specifically the aspect of receiving, in both men and women. Their end will actually be the awakened feminine in both men and women. If you never receive you can never truly give. If you never receive, you can never really 'get' anything, which is why there has been such an effort to diminish the feminine throughout time. If no one ever really feels like they should receive (because it is selfish, etc.), they won't, and they won't give or be generous either. A very intelligent, covert way to control a population. I believe the pendulum is about to swing hard in the other direction. Just like free will, art can be used to start wars and end them. I believe this spiritual war and the war of propaganda, exploiting art, gender & the media is ending. Ovulation is the phase where you can feel unstoppable, people are drawn to you, and when you're healthy you feel in the flow. It is also one of the things that hormonal birth control takes away (hormonal birth control takes away all of the phases as well). There is a mental 'toughness' that happens as well due to hormonal chemistry in the brain and body, which is why when some women go on birth control, they appear to 'lose it'. Like I did. Their bodies are crying out because they did on a biological level 'lose' that necessary chemistry. This piece serves as a metaphor of that experience, as well as the larger experience of the collective reclaiming our power. Next time you're in the office or at work look around-- what does it look like? Dare to question the systems around you & your own routine. The calling of creativity is an invitation to take responsibility for who you are. Who are you?
(Not iust) #anotherfingartist ambassador with the @macon_chamber 📸✨️ #visitmacon #creativecareers
See yall at @thirdstreetstudiomacon 📢Calling all Creatives! Join our FIRST interactive Q+A panel discussion as we discuss Building your 2025 Roadmap 📸Panel members 👉Jave Bjorkman of @andsowego.co 👉Meredith Ochoa @meredithwochoa 👉Chris Smith @cismithphotography ---About--- Panel Talk is an intimate monthly gathering hosted at Third Street Studio every third week of the month. Led by our host Jave, each session features three industry professionals who share their expertise on focused topics relevant to the creative community. This free event creates an environment for authentic dialogue and connection between established professionals and emerging creatives, with an emphasis on practical knowledge sharing and community building. 📍 Third Street Studio 📅 January 23rd, 2025 ⏰ 6:00-8:00 PM 📌 536 Third St, Macon, GA see you there~ #photographersofinstagram #phototalk #2025Vision #2025Planning
Is there anything you are pretending isn't there? 💬 #throwbackthursday Every Phase #38 - A Portrait of My Pain - #follicularphase The 20th cycle 💧original #cyanotype (made with the sun and water as my darkroom) 🎨DM for purchase ✨️The follicle-stimulating hormone sent by the pituitary gland in the follicular phase inspires new beginnings and making new discoveries before the release of another egg. My new discovery and creation this follicular phase is a portrait of someone I have never depicted, but has been one of my greatest teachers--my pain. 🌄I created this piece as a collaboration with my husband Jason in the North Georgia mountains on our 10-year anniversary together. He was the photographer for this piece, and has been allegorically helping me see and heal my pain through all of my work, since the beginning. Read the whole thing by subscribing (for free)...💫link in bio Learn more about female hormonal health by following @floliving #periodpain #endometriosisawareness #northgeorgiamountains #endowarrior #bodyastrology #astrologyart #paintopower #cyanotypeprint #denial #toxicpositivity #originalartworks #manifestingmindset #everydaytoeveryphase #periodpower
Friends! Imagine if Patreon, an email newsletter, a podcast & a blog all got together and had a baby…That’s #Substack There are a bunch of reasons for moving my blog, emails & RENEGADES group here. 🎨As I am in the process of a website migration, soon only RENEGADES will have access to purchase pieces from my archived art collections & my full body of work ABOUT RENEGADES We're all here cause we're not all there... But If you're here, you're a renegade. This is a private group to share creative information, ideas, exhibitions, participate in critiques, appreciate art & ask for a different perspective. We welcome everyone who can be real with themselves and others-- a renegade practice. 🔥In keeping with the ethos of the group, and to keep people who really care about these ideas, I have added a very affordable paywall of $5 a month to become a member. What’s included: ✔️ Everything included in the free email subscription — the 1st to receive all new art releases + shop all of my original & limited edition art collections early 🔑 Access to purchase pieces from my archived art collections & unlock my full body of work ✔️Submit & participate in monthly art reviews & critiques ✔️Biohacking & spiritual modalities for hormonal balance & healing yourself ✔️Creative networking in a community where you can cultivate collaborative & co-marketing opportunities with other creatives or lovers of art + If you choose the ‘founding member’ option receive your choice of any signed limited edition art print (estimated size of 11x14 or appropriate ratio) 💲I am offering a 14-day free trial to try out being a RENEGADE as we ‘live the art’, together. 👉 click the ‘subscribe’ link in my bio, then click the first ‘subscribe’ image/link Because when we heal ourselves, we heal our world. I do not take your investments lightly and hope you know that I greatly appreciate your support to my creative endeavors. 👉 And if you aren’t ready to become a RENEGADE, you can still follow my work & subscribe for free to be the 1st to know about my upcoming shows, shop all of my collections early, and I write a badass email. #healyourselfhealtheworld #healyourself #healingart
Every Phase #50 - Menstrual the 42nd cycle 🔥Shoutout to @nicudimus for the badass installation Stairway to Healing Part XII - final installation 'Live the art' with me as I create artwork that illustrates how I healed myself of #endometriosis while I live by the phases of the female hormonal cycle. 👉Learn more with the Services Link in my bio or DM me to commission a mural project ~Every Phase Updates~ Keeping in the integrity of the rhythms of our natural bodies and the world around us, I will be realigning the timing of the Every Phase releases with the calendar of the natural new year (not the Gregorian calendar we live by created by the Catholic Church for taxes). The series will begin again at the start of the actual natural new year celebrated for thousands of years — The Spring Equinox on March 21st. Look for my next Every Phase email in March and an in-person reveal of the completed Stairway installation shortly after. 📸 For the full Every Phase journey and the newest releases, Subscribe to my substack w/ the link in my bio to join my 13-year visual art journey. #everydaytoeveryphase #visitmacon #healingjourney #staircaseart #stairwaytohealing #spiritualhealing #stairrisers #staircasedesign #healyourself #muralartist #artinstallation #menstrualeducation #spiritualawakening #menstrualproblems #periodpower #periodpositive #paintopower #periodproblems #spiritualpath #healingart #healingartist #wellnessjourney #cyclesyncingmethod #biohacking #endowarrior #menstrualhealth
Every Phase #50 - #menstrualphase the 41st cycle Stairway to Healing Part XI *visit Every Phase link in bio for purchase I'm keeping this one short as I take care of myself this period (it's also the mercury retrograde--I call it the menstrual cycle of our solar system). I've been reflecting on how I got here, how I came to love myself, realizing it was through my self-hate. Thinking, how did I become healthy?.......Being sick How have I succeeded?.......Failure The more I heal myself, the more I am healing the world. Polarity is the answer to understanding unity. We could not experience becoming whole again without our broken pieces. During the menstrual phase, your brain is primed for integrating those broken pieces. The left (analytical) and right (feeling) hemispheres of your brain communicate the most during this time, making this a highly intuitive or psychic time, receiving insights as to how you truly feel about situations in your life and the decisions about how to proceed. The world is beginning to take the first step upon this stairway to healing. Look for the completed Stairway installation in an in-person revealing of the full staircase: completed mural + stair risers in March for the spring equnox (the beginning of the actual new year). Just like your period, you can't stop what's already here. From a great slumber, comes a great awakening. See you on the steps in December. 💌 Learn more about the science of the phases by following @floliving P.S. I didn't use AI to write this #healendo #periodpainrelief #periodpower #periodproblems #periodart #periodartist #pelvicpain #cyclesyncingmethod #healingart #healingartist #stairwaytohealing #everydaytoeveryphase #menstrualeducation #mushroomart #mushroomqueen #psylosybinmushrooms #healyourself #healingjourney

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